1062 State Route 38
PO Box 120
Owego, NY 13827
Main Phone:
So You Want to Prepare and Serve Food in Tioga County? CLICK HERE to go to our Food Safety Page!
Tioga County Public Health’s mission is to protect and promote the health and well-being of our community through advocacy, education, enforcement, prevention and partnerships. In striving to provide the Ten Essential Services of Public Health, we aim to serve as the public health leader to ensure the needs of our community are met through an integrated and coordinated network of resources that empower people to improve their quality of life. Tioga County Public Health supports the citizens of the County through Environmental Health, Dental Health, Disease Control, Nursing Services, Children's Services, Emergency Preparedness and Health Education programs.
Pay your Tioga County Public Health bill or permit fee online through Municipay.
Please note the following service fees apply:
Credit/Debit Cards: 2.65% ($3.00 minimum)
E-Checks: $1.50 per transaction
Click Here for the Municipay Link!
You can find important information, frequently requested documents, and more here!
Pre-Registration is required for Rabies Vaccination Clinics. Please visit CDMS Registration to schedule an appointment at one of our clinics! If you have any questions, please call us at 607-687-8600.
Tioga County Public Health oversees the Child Passenger Safety Program for Tioga County. This program includes free car seat checks by a Certified Car Seat Technician. Free car seats are available to families meeting eligibility requirements. The car seat program includes an educational component to ensure that families receiving seats are able to reinstall seats on their own, and are able to keep their child safe in the car as they grow.
To be eligible for a free car seat, families must live in Tioga County, NY and be on one of the following forms of public assistance:
Note: One car seat per child can be provided. Second car seats for families that already have at least one suitable seat for the child can not be provided.
Appointments are available at the Tioga County Public Health (Health and Human Services Building located at 1062 St Rt 38, Owego, NY 13827). To request an appointment call 607-687-8619 or fill out our online form!
To find upcoming Child Safety Seat Check Events in Tioga County like us on Facebook!
For more information check out the Ultimate Car Seat Guide!
This program is funded through Community Foundation of South Central New York.
Early Intervention Program
This program is for children from birth to age three who have developmental delays and disabilities. Its purpose is to provide the services needed to improve child and family development. Early intervention can be provided anywhere in the community, in the home, or at daycare providers location. The program is offered free for all Tioga County families.
Services include but are not limited to:
NYS Early Intervention Program
Developmental Milestones
Child Find
Child Find is for children birth through age three. The purpose of Child Find is to screen children who are suspected or at risk for a developmental delay or disability. The parent/guardian is sent a developmental questionnaire starting at six months through 36 months to monitor the child's growth and development by completing the questionnaires and returning them to the Child Find Coordinator.
If a potentially qualifying disability or delay is identified, your child will be referred to our Early Intervention Program for evaluation.
Tioga County’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (LPPP) is responsible for identifying children up to eighteen years of age with elevated blood lead levels. Tioga County’s LPPP staff provides case management to all children in the county with elevated blood lead levels of 5 mcg/dL or greater to ensure appropriate and timely follow-up. LPPP staff provides parent education and environmental services to help reduce the child's blood lead level.
For more information on lead poisoning prevention:
New York State Department of Health: www.health.ny.gov/environmental/lead
Environmental Protection Agency: www.epa.gov/lead
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission: www.cpsc.gov. (This site provides information on product recalls due to lead.)
In New York State, all children must be tested for lead and ages 1 and 2!
Tioga County Public Health mails Welcome Baby Packets to all families in Tioga County that have recently had a baby. The packets include a baby book with important health information and local resources, as well as a growth chart to keep track of how big their little one is getting!
Resources for Parents/Caregivers:
Health Insurance
STIC Navigator Program: STIC Navigator - sticnavigator.com
Mothers & Babies Perinatal Network: Home - Healthcare & Resources - Binghamton NY - Mothers & Babies (mothersandbabies.org)
Getthere Call Center: GetThereSCNY
SNAP: 607-687-8300
WIC: Women, Infants & Children (WIC) | Tioga Opportunities, Inc
Find a Local Food Pantry: Find food help near you | Food Bank of the Southern Tier (foodbankst.org)
Mental Health
Tioga County Mental Health: 607-687-4000
Family Planning
Tioga Opportunities Family Health Clinic: Family Health Services | Tioga Opportunities, Inc
Mothers & Babies Perinatal Network: Home - Healthcare & Resources - Binghamton NY - Mothers & Babies (mothersandbabies.org)
Learn more about...
Safe Sleep Practices: https://www.aap.org/en/patient-care/safe-sleep/
Benefits of Breastfeeding: https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/index.htm
CDC'S Developmental Milestones: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html
Tioga Mobile Dental Services
The Tioga Mobile Dental Van travels throughout Tioga County providing dental care. Sites include Tioga County schools where children have easy access to receiving care during the school day. Adults can also receive care before or after-school and on school vacations. Services include dental cleanings, sealants, fluoride treatments, fillings and extractions. Must be a Tioga County resident. All dental insurances are accepted, plus a Sliding Fee Scale is available. To schedule an appointment, please call (607) 972-7552.
Click Here for the 2024-2025 Dental Van Schedule!
Find information on when and how you should start brushing your baby's teeth here.
Find information on why some people never get cavities and others seem to get cavities overnight here.
The goal of Tioga County Public Health's Immunization Program is to increase immunization rates for child and adults in order to protect the community from vaccine preventable diseases. This aligns with our mission to prevent, promote, and protect the health of our community by making sure that children and adults receive the vaccines they need. We work closely with primary care providers, local hospitals, school nurses, day care providers, pharmacists, and other local partners to increase immunization rates.
We also work with providers to ensure their patients are up-to-date with vaccinations and provide assistance to help them increase their rates. We review vaccine storage and handling to preserve vaccine effectiveness.
Immunization Clinic:
Immunizations are provided for uninsured children less than 19 years of age through the Vaccines For Children (VFC) program. Find out if your child qualifies for VFC!
School Vaccine Requirements:
2024 - 2025 School Vaccine Requirements
Immunization Schedules:
Additional Information:
We do not provide travel vaccinations; however, the are locations in the area that do, which can be found by clicking here.
A communicable disease is an illness or infection that can be spread from person to person, animal to person, animal to animal, or person to animal. Communicable disease is the leading cause of sickness and death worldwide and is the third leading cause of death in the United States.
Communicable Disease Fact Sheets are available to view at: https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/
Self-Attestation for Isolation and Quarantine
If you test positive for COVID-19 with an at-home test or a lab confirmed test, immediately isolate yourself and notify your close contacts and your workplace or school. You may complete a self-attestation form as legal documentation for your isolation or quarantine. These forms and additional information about isolation and quarantine are available at https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/new-york-state-contact-tracing.
These forms are for your own use, DO NOT submit them to the Health Department. Forms may be printed after they are completed, or saved as PDF and emailed to your employer or school. If you do not have access to a computer, you may call 607-687-8600 (option 5).
If you tested positive using an at-home test, please complete the attestation form above for your own record. You do not need to report any additional information to the health department.
If you have questions, please visit https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/contact-tracing-frequently-asked-questions
For information on COVID-19 Testing, please speak with your Health Care Provider or visit: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-testing
Find a COVID-19 Vaccination Site near you at: https://www.vaccines.gov/
Looking for more information on the COVID-19 Vaccine? Visit Vaccines for COVID-19 | CDC
Vaccine Recommendations: Stay Up to Date with COVID-19 Vaccines | CDC
Click Below for the:
The Environmental Health Division is responsible for rabies control in Tioga County. They investigate exposures and offer preventative vaccinations to pets through rabies vaccination clinics scheduled throughout the year.
Tioga County Rabies Clinic Registration Link
Food Safety
Staff monitor and inspect food service establishments that include restaurants, commissaries, mobile food units, school cafeterias, and food stands at fairs and carnivals in order to protect the community from foodborne illnesses. For more information on New York State Regulations and Permit Requirements: NYS Regulations and Permit Requirements
To File a Complaint with Tioga County Public Health:
If you are or are looking to operate a food establishment please CLICK HERE or visit https://www.tiogacountyny.com/programs-agencies/food-safety/ for information on the required permits and the Food Safety Course.
Wastewater Systems - Septic systems
We work to prevent the spread of disease by ensuring proper design, construction, and operation of septic systems. A permit for new construction and repair of existing septic systems is required and must meet the standards set forth in NYSDOH Residential Wastewater
Submit completed application packet with payment to:
Tioga County Public Health
1062 State Route 38
PO Box 120
Owego, NY 13827
Enforces regulations to assure safe drinking water for residents of Tioga County through water quality analyses of public and private water supplies. Regulations may be downloaded by clicking on the links below:
The Tioga County Environmental Health Fee Schedule has been updated. The new fees will go into effect starting January 1, 2025. CLICK HERE to view the updated fees or click on the attached document below.
Tioga County Public Health is also responsible for:
1. Inspecting children's camps, public swimming pools, spray grounds, and recreational beaches.
2. Permitting and inspecting commercial tanning facilities, as well as increase the public's knowledge of the hazards of indoor tanning, minimize user injuries and limit tanning access by minors.
3. Investigating complaints concerning mobile home parks and provides routine inspections of permitted parks.
4. Preventing the sale of tobacco products to minors, minimize exposure to excessive levels of second-hand smoke and enforcement of New York Clean Indoor Air Act.
5. Providing certification and inspection services to ensure that all equipment, such as scales and pumps, provides correct and accurate readings for commercial transactions through The Bureau of Weights and Measures.
Tioga County Public Health has a limited amount of funding available to help homeowners extend and/or replace their well head. Call us today to see if you are eligible: 607-687-8437!
Narcan is available in Tioga County through the following agencies:
Tioga County Public Health
Tioga County Mental Hygiene
Order Narcan and other harm reduction supplies to be delivered directly to your home at https://forms.ny.gov/s3/Harm-Reduction-Order-Form
Narcan may also be available through your pharmacy. To find additional locations in New York State where Narcan may be accessed, please visit https://providerdirectory.aidsinstituteny.org/.
For more information on the Free Narcan program, to request educational material, or for other substance use related questions, please contact Kylie Holochak at (607) 687-8612 or HolochakK@tiogacountyny.gov.
Medication Drop Box Locations:
Owego Police Department
90 Temple St, Owego, NY
(607) 687- 2233
Mon-Fri 8:00am – 4:00pm
Tioga County Sheriff
103 Corporate Dr. Owego, NY
(607) 687- 1010
Mon-Fri 8:00am – 4:00pm
Waverly Police Department
32 Ithaca Street, Waverly, NY
(607) 565-2836
Mon-Fri 8:30am – 4:00pm
For immediate assistance with substance use issues, please contact Tioga County Mental Hygiene at 607-687-0200 or after hours at 607-687-1010, or visit https://tiogacountyny.gov/departments/mental-hygiene/.
If you think someone might be having a drug overdose, call 911 immediately.
Signs of an Overdose:
Call 911 if these symptoms of an overdose are present!
How to use Narcan Nasal Spray training video: https://narcan.com/#how-to-administer
Storage & Replacement of Narcan
Additional information on Narcan may be found at Resources for Using NARCAN® (naloxone HCl) Nasal Spray
Tioga County Public Health is committed to preparing the community to plan for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters. Our team consists of employees, volunteers, and community partners.
Tioga County Public Health develops and maintains preparedness plans for a variety of hazards, and is an active member on the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), where all-hazards planning discussion take place with a variety of stakeholders.
The following links may be helpful in preparing for emergency situations:
Medical Reserve Corps
Tioga County Public Health Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a group of volunteers, medical professionals, and paraprofessionals that are called upon during an emergency to assist with response efforts. To enroll as a volunteer, please visit apps.health.ny.gov/pub/servny. If you need assistance with the enrollment process, or have questions, please call 607-687-8600.
The Tioga County Resource Guide is a directory of resources for Tioga County, NY's families and residents! In the guide you will find information on local resources related to healthcare, social services, food banks, housing and shelters, transportation, learning opportunities, and family fun!
211 Susquehanna River Region
Serving Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego and Tioga Counties, 211 Susquehanna River Region provides free and confidential information 24/7/365 and referral for health and human services. For addition help simply dial 211 or 1-800-901-2180. For more information, visit Find Help | 211 Susquehanna River Region (helpme211.org)
Find Food in Tioga County
For an up-to-date list of local food pantries in Tioga County: Tioga County Pantries and Meal Sites - Google Docs
What is the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)?
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a group of volunteers, medical professionals, and paraprofessionals that are called upon during an emergency to assist with response efforts. Members of Tioga County Public Health Medical Reserve Corps (TCPH MRC) volunteers are credentialed and trained in advance of an emergency.
What do TCPH MRC Members do?
TCPH MRC Members can do a variety of activities based on the interest(s) of the volunteer and the needs of TCPH and the community. Some opportunities include, but are not limited to, immunization clinics, rabies vaccination clinics, health education, volunteer recruitment, and emergency response. Emergencies have the capacity to quickly overwhelm a community, so our MRC can assist with providing extra personnel and skills based on the emergency.
Who should volunteer for the MRC?
In short, anyone! We welcome volunteers that are active or retired licensed health care professionals, such as physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, mental health professionals, veterinarians, just to name a few, as well as community members that can assist with data entry, interpretation services, spiritual health, mental health, operating equipment (ATVs, snowmobiles, boats, etc.) and so on.
What training is required of MRC Members?
We ask all volunteers to complete a set of basic training requirements outlined below. This helps volunteers get a sense of what might be required and establish a baseline foundation of knowledge for emergency response, if needed.
Volunteers may also be required to take additional training based on the incident or their role requirements.
To enroll as a volunteer, please visit apps.health.ny.gov/pub/servny. If you need assistance with the enrollment process, or have questions, please call 607-687-8600.
The Prevention Agenda 2019-2024 is New York State’s health improvement plan, the blueprint for state and local action to improve the health and well-being of all New Yorkers and to promote health equity in all populations who experience disparities. In partnership with more than 100 organizations across the state, the Prevention Agenda is updated by the New York State Public Health and Health Planning Council at the request of the Department of Health. This is the third cycle for this statewide initiative that started in 2008. New to this 2019-2024 cycle is the incorporation of a Health Across All Policies approach, initiated in 2017, which calls on all State agencies to identify and strengthen the ways that their policies and programs can have a positive impact on health. It embraces Healthy Aging to support New York's commitment as the first age-friendly state.
Our team worked hard to pull together our Community Health Assessment for Tioga County, as well as to decide which areas to focus on for our Community Health Improvement Plan. Our three main focus areas are:
TC Board of Health meeting agendas are posted below.
TC Board of Health meeting minutes are posted below.
So You Want to Prepare and Serve Food in Tioga County? CLICK HERE to go to our Food Safety Page!