The Tioga Career Center provides customer-driven employment services to both businesses and people in the Tioga County area.
The Tioga Career Center is open Monday - Friday
Call 607-687-8500 for information on services and agencies located in the Center
WIOA/Dept of Labor: job search assistance: resume, applications, job referrals. Training/education information and assistance. Referrals to other agencies and community resources. Unemployment information, assistance and mandated appointments. (note: most unemployment claim issues can be handled by phone with us)
Partner agencies currently providing in person services:
T.A.L.L.- Tioga Adult Learning Lab. Providing computer skills training, assistance with resumes, on line applications (Mon -Thurs by appointment)
United Healthcare- providing information and assistance in applying for NY State of Health insurance plans for individuals and families
GST BOCES GED Class (Mon & Wed 1pm-4:30pm)
ACCES-VR - Thursdays only. Call 607-721-8400 to set up an appointment.
Workforce Center staff are available from 8:30am-4:30pm by calling 607-687-8504 or by using the Send Email button located at the top-left of the page.
UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: RESOURCE ROOM in person visits are from 9am to 4:30pm
FOR UPDATES: follow us on fb at Tioga Career Center
Roundtable discussion about transportation issues and resolutions in Tioga County.
Tioga Employment Center is re-branded to TIOGA CAREER CENTER.
NYS Dept of Labor has rebranded all Workforce Centers to Career Centers.
Officially, April 30th, we will be changing over but signage has changed already.
Facebook page will be changing over shortly.
New logo, new look, same great services!
No events currently scheduled.
The Tioga Career Center provides a variety of seamless customer-driven employment services to both businesses, and people seeking jobs in the greater Tioga County area.
Services Offered Through:
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA)- a federal grant program
- NYS Department of Labor
Services Offered With Partner Agencies:
- Cornell Cooperative Extension- WIOA Youth Program
- GST BOCES- GED classes Mon & Wed
- NYS Department of Labor Veteran Services
- ACCES-VR (formerly VESID)
- T.A.L.L.- Tioga Adult Learning Lab
- Dept of Social Services TANF program
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM: Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) and NYS Department of Labor
- ORIENTATION: to services available through the Workforce Development System.
- RESOURCE ROOM: for job search purposes- computers with internet access, printers, fax, copier, telephone
- RESUME: preparation assistance and critique
- UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ASSISTANCE: in filing and contacting UI for assistance, mandatory appointments held here
- HOT JOBS BOARD: current list of jobs in Tioga and surrounding area posted on board
- WIOA YOUTH PROGRAM: provided through Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Assistance in assessing skill levels, aptitudes and abilities
- List of local eligible training providers
- Retraining opportunities through Classroom or On the Job Training (OJT)- dependent upon available funding
- Job search assistance
- Labor market information
- Information related to local occupations in demand
- Referrals to community services- including child care assistance, transportation, social services, etc
- Assistance in determining eligibility for various programs
- TIOGA ADULT LEARNING LAB (T.A.L.L.): open computer lab instruction- learn at your own pace
- By appointment only. Call 607-687-8504 to schedule.
- HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY CLASSES (GED): 3 locations in Tioga County:
- OWEGO at the Tioga Career Center Health and Human Services Building Rt 38
- Mon & Wed 1pm-4pm Provider: GST (Greater Southern Tier) BOCES
- WAVERLY at the Valley Presbyterian Church 459 Park Ave
- Tues & Thurs 9am-12pm Provider: GST (Greater Southern Tier) BOCES
- VAN ETTEN at Van Etten Town Hall 6 Gee St
- Tues 4pm-7pm Provider: GST (Greater Southern Tier) BOCES
- Employee Recruitment and Retention Assistance
- Application Assistance- Taking & Screening
- Job Orders- Assistance with creation and posting
- Pre-Assessments of Applicants
- Skill Upgrading of Current Workforce
- On-the-Job Training of New Workers
- Veteran’s Services
- Closure/Layoff Assistance